Thursday, November 24, 2011

How Do I Add Or Delete Entries From The Block Or Reject List

This post explains you how to remove/add a number from reject list when you mistakenly add the number to reject list in Samsung mobiles

  1. Go to Settings in menu bar ( or applications options for some models)
  2. Then go to application settings (it will be option 6)
  3. Then go to Call ( call option 1 )
  4. Then go to All calls option ( will be option 1)
  5. Then go to Auto Reject ( will be option 2)
  6. Then now you can Auto Reject option on or off (Option 2)
  7. Then now you can add or remove the a number from reject list 
Now enjoy the option of Auto Reject in mobiles

The above steps is for almost all models of Samsung mobiles