Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Difference between Echo and Print in Php

We have Echo we have print in php which we use to display the output to the user
Both Echo and Print does the same work - Displaying the output on the screen
But there are couple of differences between them
  1. Output one or more strings
  2. Allows More parameters works only with the short open tags
  3. It is not a function
  4. It takes less memory

  1. Output only one string
  2. It allows only one parameter
  3. Its not a real function but its a language construct
  4. It take a little more memory than echo

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Train Seating Arrangement

I have refered many sites to get this searting arrangement this is almost common in all Indian Trains

Please click Download to get he seating arrangement

Friday, March 2, 2012

Curl Using PHP in a Gist

cURL: It is  a client that deals with URL so its named as cURL so as to say that it deals with URL only 

It is used to make client communicate with the server using command line 
arguments using cURL syntax

Its main use is to provide security to the URL's sent through the browser to the server
 The main commands in cURL  which i found is important are

1. curl_init() - with which the main curl operation starts


                    $charecter = curl handle returned by curl_initi()

           options = curl provides various options with general syntax 

                         other options are found in - PHP website

          value = value of the url

3. curl_exec() - which is used to execute a $charecter in which the information has be moved 

4.curl_close() - this is used to close the curl connection


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Connect With Facebook API in Simple 7 Steps

Here is the presentation or Document Where i have described Simple 7 Steps To Connect to Facebook this can be used to any Social Networking Site

Download the Presentation From this Link ---- Download

Simple Script to Share your site in different Social Networks

A simple Script used to share your Website on Different Social Networks Replace your Wesite in the my Blog URL Place

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

OAuth Protocol

Implementation of OAuth protocol 
Information of OAuth protocol in a gist 

Clearly explained in the Following Presentation

PPT - Link

Document - Link

Friday, February 24, 2012

Crop Image Using GD library in Php

I have tried image cropping using image copying GD Image function i have done it by using simple logic this program might be useful to all so i am posting it here because i have not used any jquery or any other language this is purely done in php
5 steps to use the code:
  1. Create a project in www folder
  2. paste the code present in link - Download
  3. create a folder named images
  4. Now run the folder