* Filename: totalnumberofalphabets.php
* Description: The file is used to count the number of occurences of each charecter
* Author: G Jayendra Kartheek
* Date Created: 26 Mar 2012
* Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved
//after user submits the values
if (isset($_POST['butSubmit']) && '' != $_POST['butSubmit']) {
//taking the charecter into the array
$strValue = str_split($_POST['txtInput']);
//copying the string array
$strDuplicate = $strValue;
$iIntI = 0;
//based on the string length travesing the array
while ($iIntI < strlen($_POST['txtInput'])) {
//initializing the count and j for every iteration
$iCount = 0;
$iIntIIntJ = 0;
//comparing each and every element and finding the count of each element
while ($iIntIIntJ < strlen($_POST['txtInput'])) {
if ($strDuplicate[$iIntI] == $strValue[$iIntIIntJ]) {
//printing the count
echo '<br>Number of times "' . $strDuplicate[$iIntI] . '" repeated is : ' . $iCount;
<form name="" method ="POST">
<input type='text' name = 'txtInput'/><input type = 'submit' name= 'butSubmit' value ="OK"/>